Sunday 20 March 2011

Yes I Dress: Giveaway - Pocket Watch Necklace

Yes I Dress: Giveaway - Pocket Watch Necklace: "Hi munchkins! So I've come across these on other blogs in the past, but never actually done one myself. As most of you may know I haven't be..."

Thursday 10 March 2011

lmao at your face

Okay, at least I still have an ass.

Spam me with yo' hate.

what do u mean by the 'Just Put Up Or Shut Up, okay? :)' on ur bio?

Okay, oh my god.
It's an All Time Low album, well they have an old album which is named 'Put Up or Shut Up' and I love All Time Low, they're like one of my favourite bands and it pisses me off to every extent when people actually think that when I mention ATL I'm going on about that crappy, cheesy, overrated, love, pop song by The Wanted. They are not wanted and can sing Live at all.

Sorry for ranting.
Why anon? :')

Spam me with yo' hate.

jealous of my oyster, really :)

Well honey, not your picture;) Just the fact you have a oyster.

Spam me with yo' hate.

peak tymes for your oyster :)

LOL Go away! I get a free one I think.

Spam me with yo' hate.

Would you rather swim in a pool or the ocean?


Spam me with yo' hate.

Who's the most overrated athlete?

Your mum<3

Spam me with yo' hate.